Thursday, September 28, 2006


my lil munchkin turns 8 yesterday...
weight : 6.1kg
...she was 6kg at 6mths. 6.2kg at 7mths. now 6.1kg!!
height : 66cm
...1cm taller
hair : growing more bald patches
teeth : none
diapers : M Drypers
milk : 150ml Similac
...appetite just increased from 125ml wef yesterday
night: once 3-4am
feeding : lunch & dinner cereals
...dinner started yesterday
snacks : once a day
...started last week
rise n shine : 6-7am
slumber time : 10:30 - 11:30pm
...binky dependant when sleepy and cranky
clothes size : 3-6mths!
shoe size : 1
hands : able to aim, stretch, pound, grab and hold
...left hander at the moment
sit : able
...once topple cannot get back up
crawl : unable
...will push her tush way up and thrust her face forwards
response : good
...nothing escapes those curious eyes
playthings : everything is a teether
sing n dance : unable
...simply laugh and bang fists to our antics
social : great familiar faces greet with happy squeals and kicks otherwise its tantrum mania
appetite : small and very fussy
...dislikes milk. eats only processed food
independant : NOT
...leave her for 30secs and a teary faced missy will welcome you


ummie dont even remember my burfday. she had a ticker to remind her. duh.. she is just plain lousy with dates...
so how did ummie celebrate my special day?
with my VACCINATION!!!
my ummie is a sadist. god have mercy on me...
i have been playing up my flu to postpone my vac everytime the date approaches. i got cough, running nose and flame phlegm going for me. i got my drugs back to my schedule. but this time she got me. as long as there is no fever the vac goes on. it's waaay overdue. haiz.. all my hard work at getting sick.
its my third jab. then the doc said the next one would be after my 1st birthday! hurray...
they are cluless as to why i got sick frequently.. heehee.. they suspect the cat. i may have allergies. but ummie was down with flu again. she got herself excused from work this whole week! so they concluded i am just too sensitive. weak antibodies? well only i know why. now that i know the next jab will be next year. i guess no more doctors then. at least not on purpose. heh...
physical check shows i am too light. my weight has been steady since i was six month old!. it may be a cause for concern. if i dont buck up in 2 months time i gotta see the specialist. may be due to some slack in 'em growing hormones. i like that word specialist.. it means i'm special...
so ummie got all kanchong and prepared me some potato puree. my very First dinner. she placed me in a different throne. it's grandier and higher than the previous one. i look like a mouse in it..
so in goes the first spoonful of potato and milk puree. my face went all funny and twisted. i never open my mouth for the 2nd serving. it tastes bleagh.. then i got all sick and threw up... a lot..
ummie never give up. she cleaned me up with new clothes and diapers all. placed me in the throne again. this time is she doused the mixture with cereal. yes.. that's more like it. it's not great tasting but it'll do...
then abah came home. he is very sympathtic not like ummie. he will ask me 'was it painful' 'where did it hurt' 'brave girl'... awww... my abah.
then out of the blue he mock me. ummie told him bout my featherweight issue. he started to call me names... 'BONCIT UNDERWEIGHT' 'oncit underweight eh?'.... pfft.. thanx abah...
what a day...

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

high chair

dine in
ummie got smarter thanx to our ToddlerGiantAjab. she scrubbed the hand-me-down high chair clean. propped it nicely in place for me. then she remembered i had portable one too. it was my newborn gift. thank you bakDing and nannyOgy.
over at baba's place. the time is near for them to 'berbuka puasa'. i will hear the azan and they will scramble for seats at the dining table. ummie and abah struggle a bit to place me in my throne.
the gorgeous colours is enough to excite me. i get to face everyone. i get to see what they eat. i get to smell the food. it was great...
i went TAP TAP TAP on the counter. they look at me in amusement. then ummie pass me some toys. the toys went BANG BANG BANG on the counter. soon it went CRASH BOOM CLANG on the floor. the best part is; they would help me pick it up. so the cycle continues... very soon they dont find it amusing anymore... heh...
at least now everyone's smiling come feeding time...
my high chair debut...

Monday, September 25, 2006


hear ye hear ye
didnt i tell you i play the sexaphone?
i was shy initially. but hey... what can i say... ~i'm a natural...
i can play a few tunes too. it's all a jazzy remix mind you....
heh ngantuk..
coz its no fun playing alone. i wanna be in a band!...
picture this..
Aniq on drums. Ajab on guitar. Haney on keyboards. Alya will sing. Nunu & Nadia backup vocals..
we will be a ska band. we'll start slow first. we'll play something from GerhanaSkaCinta maybe?
otherwise how else can you fit in the horn sections. coz i want to introduce my cuzzies...
they play good...
the trumpetians!!!

Sunday, September 24, 2006


to walk(er) or not to walk(er)
my baby never touch the floor at my in laws place!!! the reason is the black cat. its too dirty for her to be on the floor. plus she may be attacked by the feline! another reason is that my MIL cannot sit on the floor. she got two bad knees... another reason again would be my FIL is not comfortable with kids. so he will do all things possible not to make her cry. he would literally 'junjung' my missy. he would carry her all the time whenver my MIL is busy. this excludes the fact that missy is still sleeping in the 'buai' there!
so how do i help my baby work her motor skills....
i told them that she has to learn. she cant even sit without assistance. so 2 weeks back i insisted they let her toss and turn for 1-2hrs every day...
then i will inspire my MIL in the morning. i would tell her to see missy's reaction when we place her toys away from her. see how she would struggle for the toy. then MIL will tell me stories of how missy will whine for help but she did the right thing and let her be. so i have to find creative ways to get feedback. also to know if they did let her practise.
they know i dont believe in walkers. so they cancelled their intention of buying her one. but they cannot say No to a hand me down. i showed my dislike the first time i saw it... but i have to admit it's better to be in the walker rather than being carried all the time!
one day i got curious so i placed her in it...
ha!.. she do not know how to work them legs still. but her hands are smart enough to strech and grab for her toys. it is really funny seeing her streching her arms under the walker to pick a fallen toy. at least i know her hands department is doin fine. i got to work on those legs...
now He figures its good to have that contraption at home too. missy is difficult during our mealtimes. she hates to be left alone on the floor. we placed her on her playmat with toys strewn all over in all directions. overhead and underhead.. hehe.. but she will create a big fuss. so i end up carrying her in one arm and eat with the other! or maybe the stubborn parents have to give up dining together!!
aaahhh.. whatever it is.. seeing her hands waving with her mouth yapping away... she seemed so contented and happy in that walker that day.. she was talking and laughing so much... with a face like that i forget all my troubles..
slowly i will sail thru one day at a time...

Saturday, September 23, 2006

pinky's birthday

pinky's birthday
it's pinky's birthday yesterday. we had a feast at Sakura Buffet Downtown East.
then its off to the shopping carts that has the most gorgeous clothes for kids.
today is the 1st night of Ramadhan 1427. it's fasting month....

Friday, September 22, 2006


the familia meet up again. this time at MasjidMydin and they call it 'tahlil arwah'. its for my late great grandpa. he used to be someone important there...
the masjid was ummie's playground then. she had sneaked into every corner and tower possible. but now that its a brand new building she is just as lost as i am. ppl there do recognize her and look at me with wonder...
so the cuzzies meet up again. they turn up in pink... even they guys! noice...
this time i made sure ummie tutup my aurat too.. but all was too busy to take me photo.. chet..
sistaA was showing off her strut. yes... she's crawling now. crawling all over me and grabbing all my toys. even the binky in my mouth!
ummie was disappointed that i cant even sit right. plus i will cry when i start to topple to my sides. heh.. she was hoping that i will buck up due to peer pressure. it worked the last time...
no promises ummie. but i do know you'll be there to guide me...

Thursday, September 21, 2006

IMF protest

IMF protest
I Missy Fussy....
protest against milk..
it's so bland and they make me take it round the clock..
make them eat the same food again and again...
see if they protest!?#@ ..bleagh...
the worst is when i have to watch n smell all that food they eat...
oh the nerve..

*watching me longer than 1:30mins would be hazardous to your health. i would shorten it if only i knew how...*
hey i dont fuss with everything u noe. i do like my syrups..

Saturday, September 16, 2006

strooller poopper

strooller poopper
since Aniq had CintaQ lately. i searched for my strooller in the store. still wrapped in plastic. i last use it when missy was 3 months old. i switched to carrier coz it is easier. also because missy is such a whiny/clingy baby. now that she is behaving much better. i thought i will be a good day to tryout the strooller again...
we are going public today. we have the 'convenience' of the LRT that will connect us to town with easy access for stroller. upon arrival at DhobyGhout interchange that's when the headache starts. seeing the crowd in the train. i was beginning to regret. patience i say...
from LuckyPlaza to Forum.. with a non-working escalator in the tunnel how? we have tried other routes too. most escalators not running...
we hang around at Tangs instead. it was a blessing as it started to rain soon after...
i smell foul as missy woke from her nap. no worries. Tangs got great nursing changing rooms. as i lifted missy i felt her back was wet. it could be her perspiration i thought. as i pull her drawers, now thats too wet to be perspiration. at the diaper region?! i inspected her strooller. i lined it with those head cushions and it extends till her bottom. now that is wet but it does not smell! what is it?
this is not the first time i encounter this mishap. when she's been laying there say one hour or so. i will find her wet. could it be her diaper leaking? or the strooller got bad ventilation. but the cotton cushion should be able to absorb. i dont get it?
back to missy now who is crying out loud for my attention. her diapers seem flatten and her poo all spread out. maybe her weight flatten her diapers thus her pee simply flowed out by her back?? i had to change her clothes too. i changed her pronto and calm her down. .
maybe i will try a better brand like mamypoko, the next time i use the stroller? or change her every 2hrs? or is it due to combi strollers? you tell me...
then we encountered the same hurdles when we were heading home. the escalator that was working before decides to fail us. i was ready to carry the strooller poopper down the flight of escalator. when my mom urge me to try another route again. that's when a taxi driver saw my waving hands at Marriot. aah salvation...
that strooller poopper will be in the store again.. since i am blessed with a featherweight missy, a carrier will do me just fine...


those who miss indonesian foods should try this place. it tastes just like ayam bakar kalasan over in batam....
recently there was an invasion of ayam penyet in the local hawkers. ever since AyamPenyetRia open its franchise here-JooChiat & LuckyPlaza. i tried one at Eunos MRT hawker. they offered daun salad, timun, cheery tomatoes and kacang botok! i was impressed at the healthy malay salad...
then another restorant called Surabaya also sprung up in LuckyPlaza. Over at the top floor there is another food court. One particular shop at the corner also sells indonesian wares. with names in the menu you cant comprehend like ketoprak. which happens to be gado-gado to me. the food there is also ok..
but AyamBakarOjolali beats them all. Great indonesian wares with a touch of a malay cook who used to be a hotel chef. Superb da dei... first of all this is ayam bakar. that is one big difference. panggang definitely taste better. we've tried ayamBakarOjolali, ikanBakarLele,gadoGado,rawon,mieBakso... oooh enak yi jeng..... then there were the drinks. they have the tradisional EsPokat. try EsOjolali. its a cocktail with syrup, coconut juice with flesh and 'biji serasih'.. very refreshing. its a hype up version of your fresh coconut juice!..
its worth to spent your last 5bucks there. No GST. No Service Charge. what are you waiing for.. its on the third floor. deep right corner of LuckyPlaza..
lagi lagi in the company of my mom and babies.. missy and pinky... oh how i miss her...she's now known as boo to missy. but she's my lil pinky.. thus she's a pinkyboo now... lol...
*shireen dah book...

Friday, September 15, 2006


go to play....tidorlah!
she left me alone again. she left me for the darn PC. she is trying out video editing for the first time. something went wrong. now all the video files have no audio.... lol.. leave me alone some more lah. i went about tossing and turning. while she venge out her frustrations with abah. he has been away mostly.. to a place call IMF. its either there or he is sleeping his butt off in the room...
i too am fighting the Zzz monster now. spent the afternoon playing with ummie. dancing and laughing. she learned from that new book of hers. great fun!...
i didnt whine nor fuss
i didnt ask for her to pat me to sleep
i didnt look for my binky
i didnt ask to be turned me over
i just Zzzzzzz on my own!......
but she never let me sleep beside her. even with a bad wrist, she still put me away on the crib. to my expense really. coz when her wrist gave way, she would pull, push or throw me about! waking me during the transition always. heck.. i dont care. now i just wanna... zzzzzzz...
i see mr.Sun coming thru the curtains. funny... we are always out of the door by 6am. so i waited for her to get up and gave her a morning smile...
then i was left alone again. as she take her bath, iron her clothes, whatever.. i lost my patience. i should not wake before her. bad idea. sure she would talk or sing out loud for me to know she is nearby. but hey.. sorry ummie, but your voice aint nothing like CT. plus.. no food or change of diapers. its frustrating... lets go already ummie...

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


thanx to IMF. ppl may be taking a detour to their dsetination. maybe not familiar with the pace they fumble. for the past 2 days i was crawling in traffic due to accidents...
CTE users would know if you're going 30km/h approaching the tunnel in the morning. an accident is definitely around the corner. but i have to say they update us with those LED signboards very efficiently...
2 crashes yesterday. an idiot wit no skills in overtaking i guess. you see a taxi and SuzukiLiana cramped side by side in one lane. following the flow i got stuck right behind it. thanx to another Suzuki who finally gave way to me. probably the compassion came from seeing a fellow suzuki's plight.
the other crash was worse. a mercedes van ramp straight into the cairnhill circle divider thus blocking the exit!
today i left at sunrise. i anticipate a jam and being charged ERP. but it was delightfully smooth till the tunnel. the ambulance alongside gave way the surprise. again i trailed my way to the accident spot...
it looks harmless. just a fallen bike. not till you see the redMazda3 on the road shoulder. the rider still consious. not a bloody scene coz he protects himself with a jacket and pants. i suspect he has a broken leg. that's why he has been lying there waiting for the paramedics...
that sent me back to the moments i was lying on the floor waiting for them to arrive. very concious with no pain all numb actually i was so aware of whats going on. i actually gave specific instructions to my rider to turn off the petrol and call for help! the petrol was leaking and my rider blur liao...
that was then. my heart race when i witness an accident. its like what if it was me... again!!
but i have no compassion for the victim. what happen to me..

Monday, September 11, 2006

Community Links

i am still looking for courses to upgrade myself. i set this tone for myself back then. so first up is SingaporeParentingCongress. but it is more for parents with teenage kids or so. i need help before that. so i bought this book Gymboree-BabyPlay that teaches me how to play with my baby! quite sad ah me...
meanwhile i found a great page at PeoplesAssociation. we can search for Courses that is available in CC's across the island! many interesting courses to suit everyone... dancing.. cooking.. sports.. writing.. i need that. it states creative writing for students. i do hope i qualify.. hee
i still got Photoshop Advance Course waiting for my registration... many dreams little effort put in.. heh

Saturday, September 09, 2006


today she caused her very first destruction. her fast hands had swiftly pushed my mug off the hook. it fell onto the kitchen counter then to the floor. the handle broke upon the first impact. then it broke into 2 on the kitchen floor. oh dear i thought when i look at her innocent face. she went numb and simply stayed still. what an angel you think...
it's ok... i can always get another mug at starbucks. all the way from phuket! my collection is one short. i guess i can return to that region as oppose to US or Japan.
later i fed her and she was drowsy. i put her on my bed. i left for the toilet to clean my hands when i saw stains on my wrist. i turn on the lights. i recognize blood stains anywhere. so i thought if that fallen mug can hurt me it would have gotten to her first. i went to inspect drowsy missy. lo and behold to what i saw...the picture looks bad. no hurt was inflicted on her during the photoshoot i swear. the cranky missy is normal. she usually cries herself to sleep. no worries. i was eager to administer first aid. i am so ready for this.
~i cleaned the wound with antiseptic. (or antibacterial wet wipes)
~being a believer in eastern medicine. i spread some minyak bubut on the wound.
~then i place the plaster(handiplast) on.
~since the wound is still bleeding. i had to apply pressure.
(pressure dressing goes on for 10mins. or till bleeding stops. plaster(handiplast) will be removed after a few hours. ensure the wound is dry. i believe ventilation is good. or you get soggy skin)
but missy insisted on me putting her to sleep. rather than fussing about her leg. so i slipped on a pressure dressing on it. here she is a few minutes later... in her beauty sleep. which really foiled my plan to go out with her initially...
she's ok. its just a scratch. no big deal...

Friday, September 08, 2006

nifsu syaaban

nifsu syaaban
yesterday was an auspicious day. my very first Nifsu Syabaan. it is on the 15th of the month. just what it means literally. they also told the history of the events that took place. but i wasnt paying attention. hee..
so there was a big family gathering. my other sista couldnt make it so the spotlight was on me. most of them knew me as the 'untouchable'. the moment i arrived they try to be the one to make me laugh. so they can boast about how they can handle me without crying. ceh..
naturally its scary to see so many aunties or grand aunties rather making funny faces at you! you cant blame me for crying really. then suddenly with a call, all of them disappear. i noticed i dressed wrongly for the occasion. my legs are exposed! ummie should have known better. pfft... then ummie sat with me in the middle of the circle the had made. they sang rather loudly. i would have voted them off if you ask me. they sound terrible. everyone had their song books. those musical notes is as curly as my hair! i followed at first. come to the second round i gave up. i slept my way through the end. woke up just in time for food. oh.. when will i be able to taste their ware =(

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


i reckon i may need a bed soon. heck.. ummie might as well throw in a room as well. i sleep on my own crib but in their room. i would want my own space sooner or later... a room like this maybe.. LightningMcQueen-CARS the whole room for only US$99.80. they have so many characters to choose from starwars.. spiderman.. superman.. disney princess(es)... batman..thomas.. and oh spongebob! my heart is racing.. somebody stop me! got other girlie ones like strawberry shortcake or winnie the pooh. but not fierce. ummie was dreaming too when she saw these. my crib was a hand me down you see. so maybe next time she can realise her dream nursery. heehee. meanwhile i have some trouble at the website. i need some magic numbers whenever i ADD TO MY CART...

Monday, September 04, 2006

kalis air

kalis air
aussino fitted sheets (jersey) for cots is super duper best
why?.. because it's comfy soft and waterproof!!
milk spills or medicine spills does not soak in
simply wipe away. voila...
at 50% discount and 2 sheets in a pack
it was a great buy...
*could it be the fact that i have not washed it yet?*

Sunday, September 03, 2006


missy has fallen off the bed..not once but twice..
all in my care.. and neglect obviously..
any mom would say ..oh dont be too hard on yourself..
but what if i take these things rather lightly. Hana did mention that a fellow friend's kid fell and had brain damage. did that scare me.. yes.. but did it make me change my ways.. no..
see.. she fell yesterday as i was administering her medicine. seeing the medicine bottle was 'dripping'. i decided to wash and clean its exterior first before i put the cap back on. i had to do it there and then. leaving missy dangerously on the edge of the bed. as i hurried back to her, i was not fast enough to stop her fall. so i made it worst. lifted her up as fast as i could. cruelly with one hand. i picked her up by her hand and used the momentum to land her body on mine. all this still holding the bottle of medicine that by now have spilled its way to my pants, bed, floor and table. all that happened because i wanted a clean bottle!
he heard the commotion. when he entered the room i just instructed him to get a rag and clean the mess. i soothe crying missy and inspected her for any superficial injuries. if there were any i would have to answer to the in-laws! nope.. none.. she's fine...
at night he went up to sleeping missy and said kesian ah dia jatuh...
coldly i reply dia strong.. dia tough.. to me its ok. i want her to grow up tough.
i have no sense of remorse at all. plenty of times i forsake her safety to do the dumbest things. like putting things back in order or cleaning things and putting them away first before i get back to missy. its like i feel that if i dont do it then, i will never get it done. i seriously need to prioritise her safety over clenliness and neatness. i just dont have any consience in me. even when the first fall took place a month ago. while i was writing my blog! yes i was afraid.. afraid to tell him.. taking for granted no fall can hurt my baby. i am like that helper who would take so much precaution when someones around. otherwise its simply bochap. much at the expense of my lilttle one.
so will i change my ways.. yes..
so will i cause her fall again.. yes!..
sick C'caine

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Sinar FM

87.8 FM - SinarFM
it plays retro and edgy English classics with great selection of Malay songs...
no stuck up deejays criticsing the listeners.
no crazy deejyays playing pranks on listeners.
ans definitely no deejays jual ubat!
just nice music to accompany you on your journey..
if not see here for a station that suits you...

Friday, September 01, 2006


what a sight to get up to in the morning! yeah...

heres the story... since Boo handed me down her FisherPrice toy in perfect condition after SIX years! ummie have sworn loyalty to them. every one knows FP is not one of the cheapest toys around. so ummie have been collecting since i was a foetus! she was lucky enough to stumble upon the Mattel toy warehouse sale over at her work place twice! so she bought all that stash at a min 40% discount if not more. its sad that they dont have VTech. ah.. the spongebob and patrick is for the sofa! we have lightningMcqueen from CARS too. hee the pasar malam version..
my ummie is losing it! just yesterday she drag abah and me down to a planet called COMEX2006. they spent their month's pay there! at a booth called Canon selling adult toys. their wallets explode alright... you think she still hve enough change to buy me a can of new cereal!...
