Friday, September 08, 2006

nifsu syaaban

nifsu syaaban
yesterday was an auspicious day. my very first Nifsu Syabaan. it is on the 15th of the month. just what it means literally. they also told the history of the events that took place. but i wasnt paying attention. hee..
so there was a big family gathering. my other sista couldnt make it so the spotlight was on me. most of them knew me as the 'untouchable'. the moment i arrived they try to be the one to make me laugh. so they can boast about how they can handle me without crying. ceh..
naturally its scary to see so many aunties or grand aunties rather making funny faces at you! you cant blame me for crying really. then suddenly with a call, all of them disappear. i noticed i dressed wrongly for the occasion. my legs are exposed! ummie should have known better. pfft... then ummie sat with me in the middle of the circle the had made. they sang rather loudly. i would have voted them off if you ask me. they sound terrible. everyone had their song books. those musical notes is as curly as my hair! i followed at first. come to the second round i gave up. i slept my way through the end. woke up just in time for food. oh.. when will i be able to taste their ware =(

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