Wednesday, September 06, 2006


i reckon i may need a bed soon. heck.. ummie might as well throw in a room as well. i sleep on my own crib but in their room. i would want my own space sooner or later... a room like this maybe.. LightningMcQueen-CARS the whole room for only US$99.80. they have so many characters to choose from starwars.. spiderman.. superman.. disney princess(es)... batman..thomas.. and oh spongebob! my heart is racing.. somebody stop me! got other girlie ones like strawberry shortcake or winnie the pooh. but not fierce. ummie was dreaming too when she saw these. my crib was a hand me down you see. so maybe next time she can realise her dream nursery. heehee. meanwhile i have some trouble at the website. i need some magic numbers whenever i ADD TO MY CART...

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