Saturday, September 09, 2006


today she caused her very first destruction. her fast hands had swiftly pushed my mug off the hook. it fell onto the kitchen counter then to the floor. the handle broke upon the first impact. then it broke into 2 on the kitchen floor. oh dear i thought when i look at her innocent face. she went numb and simply stayed still. what an angel you think...
it's ok... i can always get another mug at starbucks. all the way from phuket! my collection is one short. i guess i can return to that region as oppose to US or Japan.
later i fed her and she was drowsy. i put her on my bed. i left for the toilet to clean my hands when i saw stains on my wrist. i turn on the lights. i recognize blood stains anywhere. so i thought if that fallen mug can hurt me it would have gotten to her first. i went to inspect drowsy missy. lo and behold to what i saw...the picture looks bad. no hurt was inflicted on her during the photoshoot i swear. the cranky missy is normal. she usually cries herself to sleep. no worries. i was eager to administer first aid. i am so ready for this.
~i cleaned the wound with antiseptic. (or antibacterial wet wipes)
~being a believer in eastern medicine. i spread some minyak bubut on the wound.
~then i place the plaster(handiplast) on.
~since the wound is still bleeding. i had to apply pressure.
(pressure dressing goes on for 10mins. or till bleeding stops. plaster(handiplast) will be removed after a few hours. ensure the wound is dry. i believe ventilation is good. or you get soggy skin)
but missy insisted on me putting her to sleep. rather than fussing about her leg. so i slipped on a pressure dressing on it. here she is a few minutes later... in her beauty sleep. which really foiled my plan to go out with her initially...
she's ok. its just a scratch. no big deal...

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