Sunday, September 24, 2006


to walk(er) or not to walk(er)
my baby never touch the floor at my in laws place!!! the reason is the black cat. its too dirty for her to be on the floor. plus she may be attacked by the feline! another reason is that my MIL cannot sit on the floor. she got two bad knees... another reason again would be my FIL is not comfortable with kids. so he will do all things possible not to make her cry. he would literally 'junjung' my missy. he would carry her all the time whenver my MIL is busy. this excludes the fact that missy is still sleeping in the 'buai' there!
so how do i help my baby work her motor skills....
i told them that she has to learn. she cant even sit without assistance. so 2 weeks back i insisted they let her toss and turn for 1-2hrs every day...
then i will inspire my MIL in the morning. i would tell her to see missy's reaction when we place her toys away from her. see how she would struggle for the toy. then MIL will tell me stories of how missy will whine for help but she did the right thing and let her be. so i have to find creative ways to get feedback. also to know if they did let her practise.
they know i dont believe in walkers. so they cancelled their intention of buying her one. but they cannot say No to a hand me down. i showed my dislike the first time i saw it... but i have to admit it's better to be in the walker rather than being carried all the time!
one day i got curious so i placed her in it...
ha!.. she do not know how to work them legs still. but her hands are smart enough to strech and grab for her toys. it is really funny seeing her streching her arms under the walker to pick a fallen toy. at least i know her hands department is doin fine. i got to work on those legs...
now He figures its good to have that contraption at home too. missy is difficult during our mealtimes. she hates to be left alone on the floor. we placed her on her playmat with toys strewn all over in all directions. overhead and underhead.. hehe.. but she will create a big fuss. so i end up carrying her in one arm and eat with the other! or maybe the stubborn parents have to give up dining together!!
aaahhh.. whatever it is.. seeing her hands waving with her mouth yapping away... she seemed so contented and happy in that walker that day.. she was talking and laughing so much... with a face like that i forget all my troubles..
slowly i will sail thru one day at a time...

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