Monday, October 30, 2006


hows your raya?
mine's ok...
no ketupat...
no rendang...
no kuehs...
no cookies...
no sweet drinks...
just paper packets...
just ok...

Friday, October 27, 2006


my baby turns 9 today....
chinese?.. she too gets confused... kherhehehe...
missy is back on her feet... will resume raya hunting tomorrow... yeah...

Thursday, October 26, 2006


raya is about family bonding...
here are my other lurvess...
me beloved bro and pinky!!!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

pangs of raya

pangs of raya
its my first raya. they are excited. i am gonna be all dressed up. ummie said i will be a hot babe..
i am a hot babe all right.. hot at 39.5 degress celcius! ! !
at start of the day. they wanted to shelve all raya plans to head down to KKH. but i cool down to normal. by the second home i heated up again. we were calling up for the nearest Raffles medical or just go to Raffles Hospital. we end up at my boo's family clinic...
we head down to the 43rd house. sorry 3rd house. i was drugged by then. everything whizz by. so many colourful ppl. so much good smell. but i couldnt drink, couldnt eat, couldnt sleep...
i was a zombie...
they squeezed in one more house and ended the day after maghrib. letting me sleep. my grandpa even bought me those forehead stickers. i shall rest and look forward to a better day tommorrow.....
Selamat Hari Raya....Maaf Zahir dan Batin...
and oh... Happy Birthday abah...

Sunday, October 22, 2006

seksi housemaid

seksi housemaid
its the last weekend of ramadhan. a crucial time for all households.
washing, scrubing, cleaning, changing sheets, changing curtains, moping....
whoof.. that's a whole lot of things to do.. this time the waiting game seems never ending to me..
but ummie is missing somewhat.. she's gone to work since yesterday.. saying something like earnin OT to cover the expenses...
money, i may never understand. but one things for sure. money = time and time away from my ummie or parents is no fun.. so i dont like money...
but i heard in Hari Raya there is plenty of money to go around. it comes in packets.. neat.. but what can i do wit it. it doesnt make good teethers!...
anyway.. i feel for my parents working their butts off at work and now at home!... so i decided to get them some help...
ummie, abah meet Sista mary...

who says one cant be sexy doin housework..


Thursday, October 19, 2006


ummie's whacked with work & S/P/R/I/N/G//C/L/E/A/N/I/N/G...
above all her priority is to savour the month of ramadhan with ibadah...
but she will always make some time for me~ and shopping.. yeah..
she wears out easily now. must be due to all that walking and fasting of course. so she cheated....
here i am withbeautiful sista Allie. all bukled up in a McLaren..
with no insurance coverage!...
then i found out where she got it from. coz my bak tok did the very same thing in a shopping cart! how un-Cool....

Thursday, October 12, 2006


i've been downgraded to the back seat...
what it used to be...
i'm always in the left front seat. facing the back. full view of the driver. with ummie sticking out her head between the seats to humour me. looking out the window to big cars. mostly SUVs, busses, or trucks...
i'm in the back seat sometimes right, sometime left. facing the front. with a backside view of the driver and everything around me. they have to wait for the red light to crane their necks to bug me. looking out the window is no fun either. no more gold digging disgusting apeks. it's very lonely...

Monday, October 09, 2006

nanny burfday

nanny burfday
hapi burfday to my nanny...
so sorry we could not be together for your special day. we think of you and miss you just the same... muuahh..
if it's any consolation, we did meet up last Saturday. it was a nice family feast. although you and boo came late. we were all toghether. it has been a while...
i so love boo's throne. its gorgeous, comfy and safe. i was happy seating in it while ummie manage to pray with the family. no fuss. i was happy on the throne looking on to them. of course halaNur was my company and always up to mischief..
she tried to make me crawl. she dont understand how a kid could learn to walk without crawling first. it is possible. just like my boo who simply moves by shifting her toosh. next thing you know she was walking. of course pushing carton boxes in the new house help her a lot. i am still waiting for my stride-to-ride. anyway amiHafiz and halaNur enticed me with their handphone to make me move. haha.. it got them nowhere. they actually tried bending my legs in weird positions. naturally i cried..
so to comfort me and throw in some family bonding. we had a game of scrabbles. yeah.. them tiles are handy teethers they are...


i spoke too soon.
just yesterday baba cooked for me porridge with fish.
then there was papaya for desert.
whoa... not bad ok.. i may learn to like it..
ummie with her new adrenalin rush... got home and made me some spinach puree. she gave me 2 spoonfuls just to see my reaction. i swallowed it just the same...
she called just now asking whats on the menu for today...
baba said the ingredients are
the ground rice
which is actually brown rice but ummie simply played dumb,
some fish
ikan kurau,
2 spoonful of spinach puree
ummie was hoping she would use the whole serving
and some salt..
SALT!.. ummie explained that salt is not necessary and she also encouraged her to finsh the serving of spinach. apparently grandpa also agreed that kids dont need salt. ummie just handed baba some printouts about weaning for reading. but ummie knows that there is no one else she would entrust but my loving baba to make me healthy, happy and smart..
enough of squabbles.. its past my lunch time already...

Sunday, October 08, 2006

waiting game

waiting game
on ummie's first day off. we will play the waiting game...
I will wait for ummie to get up.
I will wait for ummie to freshen up.
I will wait for ummie to do the laundry.
I will wait for ummie to zoom zoom zoom around the house with a black snake like monster...
here's how the game goes...
I will pull the mobile and bumpers in my crib while waiting for her to get up.
I will bite the hanger and belt on her bed while she freshen up.
I will watch the dryer go round and round when she does the smelly laundry.
if you ask me. i like the zoom zoom zoom the best as
I will get to watch baby einstein while she snake her way around the house...
aaah... today ummie did more..
she made pumpkin puree for me.. noice...
i waved my hands with delight when its feeding time. i kept asking for more. she finally made use of those cube trays she bought long time back. being scarred by my fussy appetite. she thought fruits would fair better than spinach or fish. i still have not had porridge yet. never mind ummie, those can wait. meanwhile i can have more pumpkin. maybe corn or carrots or peas... hmmm yummy!
healthy food is not so bad huh.... hehe...
btw the score is 1:0 in my favour. coz i earned tasty treats while ummie still have to fold the laundry, clean the windows, wipe the mirrors, clean the toilets, wash the curtrains...etc..etc..


visitors came knocking one evening. maybe its hari raya already. i was asleep then. soon i was disturbed by the chatters of two men in my room! i started to create a fuss. only to find out it was abah and a fellow friend. soon ummie came in the room with a baby in her arms.. gah! what a nightmare. soon she returned alone to comfort me. then she took me out of the room to meet Nadya...
Hi Nadya,
i'm sorry i wasnt a good host. i mean any sleepy host would fair rather badly. I am also sorry we did not succeed to persuade your daddy to buy you toys. You can always come over and play mine. i got plenty and it's no fun playing alone anyway. but next time do come earlier. when you left ummie had to put up wit my tantrum. it was nice having a friend over. do come again...

Thursday, October 05, 2006

baby bites

baby bites
recently ummie intruduced me to biscuits ~yummy!...
its a trial and error mission. buying different brands each time. to find out which suits me well. actually which suits ummie really. she will not feed me great tasting or sweet ones! grrr!!....
biscuits that is a waste of time
...hard tags. ummie said it's like those 'dog biscuits' NS men get in their ration packs. back then of course. even ummie could not bite thru. it really is great for teething. great grip, tasteless and really tough..
biscuits that tastes great
...sedaaap. but its too small for me hands. theres no grip. it crumbles in my hands. so they mash with milk for breakfast or teatime...
BABY RUSKS 'malaysion brand' orange flavoured
...not sweet. midsized. ideal for milk or on its own...
biscuits for anytime anywhere
BABY BITES rice rusks
...big pieces for great grip. they have original or vegetable flavoured ones. bland but tasty enuff. much like WANG WANG. wait it is their product. minus side is.. it is tough to clean. having the 'kanji' effect. ummie got to scrub my hands, face and sometimes feet..
with all this trial and error. its taking up too much space. hey that's not my concern!i am a fussy eater. so ummie had to depend on proccessed food for a while. she bought different flavours. so i have varieties on my menu. it's a plus as compared to finishing a whole pot of porridge over a few days. but i'm running out of luck. ummie is cooking something for me today. if its healthy its bound to be tasteless. i'm afraid ummie may get disappointed again..
ok ok i'll give it a shot...

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

get down

get down
get down and move it all around...
that's exactly what she didn't do ~move it all around.
in my mission to make missy more agile and independent. we all floored for her. then i realised it's 2 defferent mission altogether...
we all need to change or whatever the moment we reach home. but we cant leave her in one corner, at least not without her whining. my missy is so manja. okay so we take turns. he would play with her first then its my take. i really dont know how to cultivate inedependance. i will sit with her but wont really attend to her.. any difference?
mission2 is to get her moving. my dear missy is able to sit on her own now. but that's it. just sit. she cannot move from sitting to allfours or vice versa. i will entice her with toys. she will outstreach her arms then topple. and cry~ i propped her up again. this time she got smarter. she will strech her arms within her capability ensuring she wont fall. so SHE DOESNT MOVE.. she simply sit there and tap tap tap her hands. stretch hands for toy. cannot reach. tap tap tap. repeat! lastly whine~
i really hope she dont take too long... i am trying i hope her other home understand me too.. btw she doing okay with the walker. made her way to the kitchen all...

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

remote control me

remote control me
we babies are anything but in control. we are full of surprises. even the norm routine would go hay wire... the very reason why ummie has been posting less. she lost her sleep over me and sahur!
the syiokness of the 'buai' has gotten the best of me. now i literally sleep on ummie's chest during the day. oh the warmth and comfort.. much better than the buai i would say. so i have been asking for it during the night too...
i am one who sleeps on my own at night. they would pretty much do their own thing after playing with me. that would be around 2230hrs. my bedtime could not be any earlier coz ummie fetches me at 2000hrs. after play and getting ready for bed, it would be late enough..
so since ramadhan, i have been trying to get her to rock me to bed. to no avail...
one night i cried so hard. she simply let me be and kept on yakking away on her blog! i was howling and growling for her for half an hour when abah woke up to try to hush me. the sleepy abah couldnt do much. i took my wailing up a notch. now they are both by my side but the wouldnt carry me.. pfft.. with 45mins of growling i got sick and threw up. that got them going alright. they cleaned me and put on a brand new pjs for me. noice...
it's past midninght now and this is me 10 mins later...
kheherhee... who would have known the drama mama i was just prior to that clip. after all the excitement i actually took a poo.. hehe... the changing mat was still warm i tell ya..
so wat does a tired ummie do with an excited missy way off her bedtime.. she let me watch tv. she pass me the remote. gah.. i do have the power.. there i was trying to absorb the greatness of the very thing they always refrain me from THE REMOTE CONTROL...
now what do i do really. the tv is talking too much. i could not find the Mtv button the boys claim to be a great watch.. haiz.. what else would an eight months baby do.. slob it in me mouth... bleagh.. whoa this thing taste bad.. this is no fun.. wweeek!~
ummie shove a bottle of milk down my throat and off i went to ZzzZz land...

Sunday, October 01, 2006


look what they discovered on me yesterday..
its right by the 'cheeks' of my armpit..
i dont remember what hit me either..ummie just gave me a massage the day before.
she never noticed anything amiss.
she started massaging me when i'm 6mths!
it's bcoz of my hysterical crying during amd after bath.
now that i'm better after baths she gave it a shot.
she never thought massages can be given at any other time of the day... duh..
she notice i'm rather plump now.
but was disappointed to know i lost weight instead of gaining some.
maybe she can give those ang moh creams a try instead of minyak Lam...
back to my injury..
it is stragically placed where adults thumbs would be when they lift me..
but they dont sport long fingernails,
and i swear my ummie never pinched me,
or any other wrong doings or thoughts...
it seems friction is the likely cause....
she spread some minyak bubut and inspect for any other abnormalities.
i'm ok.. no sweat...
but the question remains... who bit me??
PS: if we can blow kisses over...
can we blow love bites over too??