Sunday, October 08, 2006

waiting game

waiting game
on ummie's first day off. we will play the waiting game...
I will wait for ummie to get up.
I will wait for ummie to freshen up.
I will wait for ummie to do the laundry.
I will wait for ummie to zoom zoom zoom around the house with a black snake like monster...
here's how the game goes...
I will pull the mobile and bumpers in my crib while waiting for her to get up.
I will bite the hanger and belt on her bed while she freshen up.
I will watch the dryer go round and round when she does the smelly laundry.
if you ask me. i like the zoom zoom zoom the best as
I will get to watch baby einstein while she snake her way around the house...
aaah... today ummie did more..
she made pumpkin puree for me.. noice...
i waved my hands with delight when its feeding time. i kept asking for more. she finally made use of those cube trays she bought long time back. being scarred by my fussy appetite. she thought fruits would fair better than spinach or fish. i still have not had porridge yet. never mind ummie, those can wait. meanwhile i can have more pumpkin. maybe corn or carrots or peas... hmmm yummy!
healthy food is not so bad huh.... hehe...
btw the score is 1:0 in my favour. coz i earned tasty treats while ummie still have to fold the laundry, clean the windows, wipe the mirrors, clean the toilets, wash the curtrains...etc..etc..

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