Tuesday, October 03, 2006

remote control me

remote control me
we babies are anything but in control. we are full of surprises. even the norm routine would go hay wire... the very reason why ummie has been posting less. she lost her sleep over me and sahur!
the syiokness of the 'buai' has gotten the best of me. now i literally sleep on ummie's chest during the day. oh the warmth and comfort.. much better than the buai i would say. so i have been asking for it during the night too...
i am one who sleeps on my own at night. they would pretty much do their own thing after playing with me. that would be around 2230hrs. my bedtime could not be any earlier coz ummie fetches me at 2000hrs. after play and getting ready for bed, it would be late enough..
so since ramadhan, i have been trying to get her to rock me to bed. to no avail...
one night i cried so hard. she simply let me be and kept on yakking away on her blog! i was howling and growling for her for half an hour when abah woke up to try to hush me. the sleepy abah couldnt do much. i took my wailing up a notch. now they are both by my side but the wouldnt carry me.. pfft.. with 45mins of growling i got sick and threw up. that got them going alright. they cleaned me and put on a brand new pjs for me. noice...
it's past midninght now and this is me 10 mins later...
kheherhee... who would have known the drama mama i was just prior to that clip. after all the excitement i actually took a poo.. hehe... the changing mat was still warm i tell ya..
so wat does a tired ummie do with an excited missy way off her bedtime.. she let me watch tv. she pass me the remote. gah.. i do have the power.. there i was trying to absorb the greatness of the very thing they always refrain me from THE REMOTE CONTROL...
now what do i do really. the tv is talking too much. i could not find the Mtv button the boys claim to be a great watch.. haiz.. what else would an eight months baby do.. slob it in me mouth... bleagh.. whoa this thing taste bad.. this is no fun.. wweeek!~
ummie shove a bottle of milk down my throat and off i went to ZzzZz land...

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