Sunday, June 18, 2006

grow grow grow

grow grow grow
recently we went to a friends place. much to my surprise you behaved like any lady should. no 2hr crying spells!
you donwanna sleep. donwanna sit. you just wanna stand. you simply whine a bit when we put you down. you wanna stand and chat, blab and jab... i believe the winning formula is the presence of 5 other kids around you. yeah they may be older but you so wanted to share your thoughts with them. you learn something new though.. you went blrrrrrgh... with your saliva sprouting every where. apparently one of the abangs thought you that. hurray to your fast learning trait but it was a messy lesson...
you are no longer the basic needs *cry only for milk. poop n sleep* baby. you are getting wiser. responding to our calls and play. i love you. i still go to abah and say we have a baby. you are our baby. masyaAllah. its a lot for me to absorb. so wait for me to enjoy these moments before you start talking back at me...
Happy Father's Day Abah...lurve

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